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the best rollator and wheelchair in one

Rollz rollators fit your life


With the 2 in 1 Rollz Motion and Rollz Motion Performance you always have the right mobility aid at hand: a modern rollator when you feel like walking and a wheelchair when you need to rest but want to keep going. This way you will still be able to take part in all activities, even when you have reached your walking limit. Simply unfold the wheelchair, attach the footrests and turn the handles around. Once you are rested, transform it back and use it as a walker again. Brilliantly designed, this innovative combination allows for stable, upright and comfortable walking both indoors and out.


The Rollz Flex is a compact, stable and lightweight rollator with a large shopping bag. Its innovative design enables the rollator to stay close to the body so that you can walk with optimum posture and it allows you to make tight turns in narrow spaces. The soft foam filled tires of the Rollz Flex 2 absorb vibrations for more comfortable walks.


NEW in 2024 - The Rollz Motion Electric

LEARN MORE: Rollz launches revolutionary electric wheelchair 


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Rollz Motion
Walk comfortably with style


Award winning Dutch design rollator and wheelchair in one. With the Rollz Motion you can lead an active life and enjoy going out even with limited mobility.


Rollz Motion Performance
All-terrain 2 in 1


Designed with pneumatic tires for frequent use and uneven surfaces. Has additional cushioning for sensitive hands, wrists, shoulders or back problems.


Rollz Flex
Compact, lightweight rollator 


The Rollz Flex rollator offers great support and steers lightly, even with a full shopping bag. The Flex gives you confidence to go out and do the activities that you enjoy.


Rollz Motion Rhythm NEW!
Parkinson rollator with customizable cues


This rollator is meant for people living with specific neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s. Multiple stimuli help the user take a first step, make subsequent steps, or maintain a walking rhythm.


Rollz Motion Electric NEW!
Rollator and electric wheelchair combo


A versatile 3-in-1 rollator, transport chair & electric wheelchair that enables users to stay active and be supported throughout different stages of decreasing mobility. 

Which rollator is right for you?

Rollz Chart

Empowering Health Care Professionals

Mobility equipment, such as rollators, which play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life and independence for individuals with mobility challenges. By keeping pace with innovation, healthcare professionals can provide their patients or clients with the most effective and suitable solutions available.


Embracing innovative mobility aids also presents an opportunity for professional growth and elevates the level of care you provide. Additionally, utilising advanced mobility aids demonstrates your commitment to providing top-notch care.

Ideas and inspiration


There is life after a chronic illness diagnose

A chronic illness diagnose can change one’s life completely and although there are things that can be done to help make the person’s life easier, the process of adapting to the new reality could come with obstacles.


A body adapts seamlessly

Rollz International CEO Martijn Schaaper shares his thoughts on the efficiency of the human body, the importance of good product design and the value of daily exercise and activity.


How to use an electric wheelchair

When mobility issues advance, an electric wheelchair can be a great investment for your independence. However, note that driving an electric wheelchair is very different than using a manual wheelchair. It might require some practice before you get to master it.


Traveling with Parkinson’s disease

To have a pleasant trip or holiday, you have to make slightly more arrangements than someone else if you have Parkinson’s disease. Still, it is worthwhile


Mobility aids don’t limit us, they liberate us

I’ve had multiple sclerosis (MS) for 20 years, and for too long I was terrified of the prospect of “ending up” in a wheelchair.


Dancing with a rollator

Bonnie Groenewout has danced her whole life but when she got ill a few years back she thought she will not be able to practice anymore. But never say never!



Winter hours


Monday to Friday: 11- 5 pm

Saturday/Sunday: closed 


lundi-vendredi : 11h - 17h

samedi et dimanche: fermé



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967 Wolseley Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3G 1E8



Our partners/nos partenaires :

byAcre Logo
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Prairie Velo


Prairie Velo+ is a branch of Prairie Velo, a made-in Manitoba business that sells electric-assist bikes, trikes, walking bikes, tandems, recumbents and handbikes that suit all levels of physical ability.


At Prairie Velo we stand behind our motto "Cycling is for Every body". 

Our products are chosen for their outstanding quality and are designed by the world's leading manufacturers of adaptive products.




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