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Motion Seatbelt

The seatbelt can be fixed with Velcro at the back of the wheelchair package and adjust to the desired length. Make sure the wider, foamed part is at the front of your abdomen. When the seatbelt is not in use, you can unclip the buckle and store it at the top of the wheelchair package. You can convert the Rollz Motion into a walker while the belt is attached to the wheelchair package. Works with all the Rollz Motion models. 

Motion Seatbelt



    Winter hours


    Monday to Friday: 11- 5 pm

    Saturday/Sunday: closed 

    lundi-vendredi : 11h - 17h

    samedi et dimanche: fermé

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    967 Wolseley Avenue

    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    R3G 1E8


    Our partners/nos partenaires :

    byAcre Logo
    Rollz Logo
    rehasense logo
    Prairie Velo


    Prairie Velo+ is a branch of Prairie Velo, a made-in Manitoba business that sells electric-assist bikes, trikes, walking bikes, tandems, recumbents and handbikes that suit all levels of physical ability.


    At Prairie Velo we stand behind our motto "Cycling is for Every body". 

    Our products are chosen for their outstanding quality and are designed by the world's leading manufacturers of adaptive products.



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